My First Battle With Imposter Syndrome
I believe that the first time I ever heard the term "imposter syndrome" was last summer before medical school on Twitter. I had no idea what it was, so, of course, I Googled it (like many of us do when we encounter something unknown and new). Basically, it refers to when someone feels like their accomplishments are inadequate for whatever reason and fear that they will be exposed as an imposter and humiliated. (If you want to read more about this, here is a pretty good article ). When I discovered the definition, I wondered why any doctor would feel such a way. I mean he or she has conquered medical school and residency and has the knowledge to prove it, right? I didn't really understand the term. Oh, but that changed this summer. I have had the wonderful opportunity to move back to Birmingham for the summer to research with a local hospital. The research centers on the specialty that I would basically sell...