Oh Winry
Life has been extremely insane since last Thursday due to many, many things. However, I would like to introduce y'all to the one little creature that keeps me somewhat sane in medical school: Winry. Before I formally introduce you to my spoiled bearded dragon, let me explain some things. I was the kid in school that LOVED all things frogs and lizards. My mom likes to joke that I used to have all of the lizards, the little green anoles, at my house trained to let me pick them up and pet them. There was a brief period of time where I even had a family of lizards living together with me before my mom made me put them back outside. So, the moral of the story is that I absolutely loved lizards. I was fascinated with the bearded dragons and iguanas that people had as pets, and I wanted one. So, on my sixteenth birthday, my dad took me to PetSmart to pick out a baby bearded dragon. It was a glorious day, and that poor lizard was probably absolutely terrified. At first I w...