Have the Strength to Change and Make Connections


Those are the three words that I saw in one of those little games that you play on Facebook or Twitter where the first three words that you see in a Wordsearch are the words that describe your current situation. Typically, I find the words, chuckle, and immediately dismiss them. This time was different. These words made me self-reflect.

This past summer was one of great change in my life. I stepped out in faith to obey God. I embraced new experiences like white-water rafting and being extraverted with my friends. I made choices that have made me into a better person.

One of my good friends here at medical school speaks her mind quite regularly. I love her for it as I appreciate her bluntness. She looked at me the other day and said: "You seem a lot happier now." Wow, it was a reality check for me. Again, I started thinking about and evaluating myself.

I am strong, and I am changing to become a better version of myself. I am already proud of the person that I am becoming. I find myself searching to connect myself and my abilities with the needs of the community. I am no longer afraid to connect with people and groups. I am getting more comfortable with getting out of my comfort zone.

For instance, I was able to attend the local school board's Mentor Me Fair where each school had volunteer opportunities. I went by myself (no other med students with me) to meet with people I had never met before and who specialized in a field (education) that I had no experience with. If you had told me last year that I would do that, I would have told you no and started sweating bullets on the spot. My introverted self gets super nervous about public events with no friends to accompany me. But I did it. I went on my own, and I am so glad that I did.

Like I said previously, I am strong. I am changing. And I am making connections with the community. (And maybe I will make a connection with my future husband, but who knows lol?)

I still think that those games are totally full of it, but they definitely can cause you to self-evaluate. I challenge you to do that.. Where are you at now in your personal journey? Where do you want to be? What about you do you need to change to get there? The sky is the limit. May you all change for the better.


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