
Music as Conveyor of Emotions, Part 1.

Hello y'all, I'm taking a quick study break to share a few that I realized earlier this afternoon. A year ago I was in a completely different headspace. I had just ended a relationship that would take me months to realize just how toxic it was. I still struggle some days with the psychological and emotional abuse from that time. It's amazing how one person can make you feel like you aren't good enough or feel bad for talking too much or not enough. He really did something to my self-esteem. Anyways, since I believe that music can share emotions better than most prose, I decided to share a few songs that really resonated with me during the fading time of that relationship and the months after it ended. There are four* that really speak to the situation that I found myself in, but all of them contain emotions that I really felt during that time. Potential - Danielle Bradbury* Wrong Direction - Hailee Steinfield* I Have Questions - Camila Cabello I Love You's ...

Long Time No See

Hello all! I hope you are doing well or the best that you can be during these crazy times. If you do go out, please wear a mask and social distance. It's the polite thing to do and helps keep everyone safe. Life has changed exponentially for me over the past several months. There have been so many highs and some lows like always. Well, I found out where I will be going for my third year! Y'all, the unveiling day was something. We had to move the celebration to our auditorium that day because there was a threat of tornadoes. (Typical Alabama in March.) In the weeks leading up to the event, all of my friends kept telling me that I was definitely going to get my first choice as it was a small, rural Alabama town. On that Thursday morning, when my entire class was opening their envelopes with screams of happiness, I opened my envelope with a gasp of disbelief. It wasn't my first, second, or even third choice. I was stunned. There were so many amazing things about my fourt...

Vanilla Milkshakes

Hello all, It's been a while since my last post, and I hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or happy holidays if you celebrate something else. This past year was an emotional rollercoaster for me in so many ways. I lost a long-time mentor and friend in January due to cancer and had to walk away from various relationships, both romantic and platonic. And as you can see from my last two posts, I really struggled with those evolving relationships. 2019 really taught me about my relationships and how they affect me. We always hear phrases about our inner circle of people or friends, but we just assume that we have the best people around us at all times. We don't really double-check ourselves. Or if we do, it is after a long, rocky relationship that takes a mental toll on ourselves. I'm too trusting. I will readily admit that. I will open up to almost everyone, even if those people have plans to knife me in the back with that information. That is some...

Growing Pains

On this lovely evening before my twenty-fourth birthday, I have been thinking about what this past year has brought me. I had some amazing experiences and gut-wrenching lows. Friend groups were formed, like the one that was described in the beta fish adventure, and the same ones demolished. It has been a year for sure. And to those people who were in my 23rd year, thank you for your impact in my life. If I had to describe 23 in one word, I would choose growth. I grew in many ways that surprise me now, yet I still have so much more to work on. However, I make no apologies for who I am. I am human. I make mistakes, yet I give everything I have. I work hard. I care too much, too much to the point that I lose friends. And I am learning that maybe those people weren't really my close friends in the first place. I saw a quote the other day that said: "I'm not perfect, I'm limited edition." It has been resonating with me recently. I will never claim to be perfect. I ...

Lessons from a Toad

I am so incredibly cranky when I don't get enough sleep. And for those of you who have seen me like this, I apologize. I am a jerk. Recently, I have not been sleeping well at all. Last night was the latest non-sleeping venture. I think I might have managed 3 hours of actual sleep instead of staring at my ceiling. So when I finally gave up on sleep and got up at 4 to meet my best friend, I was in a mood. I was complaining about EVERYTHING in my head. I was being a drama queen honestly. There I was early this morning in a crappy mood standing outside while I waited on my best friend to pick me up to go to the gym. Since it was so early in the morning, the sprinklers were on at my apartment complex. So as I dodged the sprinklers, I noticed this tiny little shape in the street light. It was a toad. Y'all, this toad was getting absolutely pelted by the sprinklers. But he just kept sitting there. Honestly, he seemed okay with it. Yes, he was probably getting his water for the d...

Dear Darling - A Letter to 16 Year-Old Me

Dear lovely girl of just sixteen May you always chase all your dreams.   Your plans and that timeline didn’t work out,   But those are not the things to fret about.   The roses came with thorns And the sky turned to storms.   But still you will prevail   And oceans, you will sail.   I wish that I could tell to you That adult you wouldn’t be blue That you would find true love by twenty-two But oh, baby girl, I won’t lie to you.   The bad heartbreaks still come. The mistakes are still dumb, But may you have your hope.   And never dull your scope.   Dear lovely girl of just sixteen, May you always chase all your dreams. Be your own hero in your life story And fight for all that your heart deems worthy.   It has been a while since I've written any poetry. I had an old friend inspire me when she mentioned how she wanted to write a song to her former self. The more I thought about the ...

Be Still

One of the things that the Lord has really been working on with me is just to be still and just spend time with Him either in prayer or His word. To be honest, I am TERRIBLE at it, which is probably why He keeps teaching me why I need His stillness and rest. Medical school is challenging on its own. You have some days of 8-5 classes along with all of the studying and assignments that you have to complete. Then add in the clubs and the organizations that you are a part of for fun and support. Next, add the volunteer opportunities that you want to complete and help out in the community. But what about social time with friends and family? If you can add it in there, great. And what about sleep? Sleep is for the weak. JK, sleep should be a priority, meaning that something else is going to be pushed until the next day. Basically, life in medical school is insane, absolutely insane. I have a bad habit of going at about 150 mph all day, every day. From the moment my alarm goes off in the ...